The Flatten button only exists to simplify flattening one’s position.
We are not sending a flatten message to our server side risk module. We are simply sending a new order in order.
The more latency a user is experiencing due to connectivity and bandwidth, the higher the risk of clicking the flatten button multiple times to do the same job. At the point of clicking the flatten button the frontend looks to see what the user’s net position is. It then creates and submits an offsetting order. If the flatten button is clicked again prior to getting a response back from the exchange/server then another duplicate order may be submitted.
We recommend that a user turn on prompts. This should make the above scenario much less likely to happen. It should also put the user at ease since they will get feedback confirming their action. The user should also have their order book open to see the order working or filled.
Enable the flatten button by going into the Main Properties / Contract Tab / Trade Confirm = Prompt